Solid PVC Decorative Films

Solid PVC decorative films are producing in this company in different thicknesses from 60 to 500 microns and in different areas. The process for producing PVC wall panels with a thickness of 0.13 mm (130 microns) is used. 0.13 to 0.35 is used in the wood industry.

These are the routine designs produced by the company and the new designs are designed to demonstrate different tastes and create innovation and browser in the company's working policy. Your suggested designs should be feasibility study and then producing.

Please contact us on Mobile, WhatsApp or Telegram of +98 935 84 84 777 for making order of exist varied pvc film designs or suggesting new designs.
Download the PDF file of solid PVC decorative film designs from here, or to receive it from social networks, contact WhatsApp, Telegram or mobile number +98 935 84 84 777.